Ways for Teens to Slim Down Fast
Getting Help
Visit a doctor. Although it is important for everyone trying to lose weight to do so with a physician's consultation, it is especially important that a teenager does so. You need to make sure that you know what your target weight should be, your accurate current weight and that there are no underlying health problems that are causing you to gain weight. Discuss your weight-loss ideas with your doctor and set a weight-loss goal with her recommendation. Your doctor may also be able to refer you to a nutritionist or fitness expert to help teach you about proper nutrition and exercise. The goal of your nutrition and exercise program should be to lose 1 to 2 pounds each week. Losing weight faster than that can be dangerous.
Healthy Eating
If you are trying to lose weight fast, you need to implement healthy eating habits across the board. It is easier to change bad eating habits if you implement gradual change, but if you're looking for fast results, it means that you have to get rid of the unhealthy food in your diet immediately. Eat a diet that consists primarily of lean meats such as chicken and fish, whole grains, some dairy and lots of fruits and vegetables. Eliminate refined flours such as white bread, overly processed foods like many of the frozen meals you can buy at the grocery store, and foods with a great deal of added sugar. Cut out fast food and beverages with added sugar. Sugary drinks alone are a large part of the teenage obesity problem. The key is to switch out the unhealthy foods that you are eating without cutting back drastically on calories. Intense calorie reduction, often called "crash dieting" is very dangerous, and can have a negative effect on your metabolism.
With all the energy of youth, a common mistake for a teen who is trying to lose weight fast is to work out too hard or too often. What you need to realize is that working out too hard or too often can actually make it more difficult to lose weight. You should be getting physical activity every day for about 45 to 60 minutes. Concentrate on activities that keep you moving. Playing sports like basketball or soccer are great choices, as are dance or karate classes. If your doctor deems it safe for you, you can also start weight training. Weight training should never be done more than every second day, and you should work with a trainer or coach to ensure that you have proper form when lifting to prevent injury.
Do it Together
The hardest thing in the world for a teen can be to try and lose weight in a vacuum. So, get help. Chances are that you have a friend, parent or sibling that could also stand to lose some weight. Working together with someone is a great way to make you feel better about your efforts because it lets you know that you're not the only one with some work to do. Also, it benefits you because if you start to fall off your program, you have someone to support you and make sure that you stick with it.