How to Motivate Teenagers to Lose Weight
Write down your reasons for wanting to lose weight. Once teenagers know why they want to lose weight, whether it be to start a healthy lifestyle, feel better, look better or all of the above, it will be easier to find the motivation to achieve your goals. Whenever you feel like you are starting to lose track, re-read your list and remind yourself all the reasons why you want to lose weight.
Create a positive and negative picture of yourself. Teenagers who are able to envision themselves post-weight loss will be motivated by that image. They may impress the guy or girl they are interested in, gain more friends, or be able to join a high school sport. Similarly, teenagers should imagine how they will feel if they do not lose the weight. They may feel weak and tired, unattractive, and lonely. Negative images can motivate you away from that image and closer to your goal.
Set realistic goals such as losing 1 to 2 pounds per week. If teenagers have extreme goals that are not realized, teenagers may lose motivation quickly and give up altogether. Teenagers will be more motivated to lose weight when they have realistic goals to work towards.
Make healthy eating fun. Teenagers can look up healthy recipes online and cook and experiment with new ingredients. Change ingredients in old recipes to "healthify" your meals, such as using fat-free or low-fat ingredients. Have a pot luck party where everyone brings a different healthy meal. In order to be motivated to lose weight, teenagers must see healthy eating as fun and exciting. See Resources for recipes.
Join an online weight loss site. Certain web sites, such as or, feature online message boards, community tips and other weight loss advice. Teenagers can log their calorie intake and physical activity each day, set weight loss goals and see their progress each time they log in. Teenagers can find motivation from others going through the same struggles they are. Visit the websites home page and sign up for a free membership. See Resources.
Diet and exercise together. Teenagers may be motivated to lose weight by offering to work with others to achieve their goals. Teens can find motivational support from friends and family by starting a healthy eating plan or joining a gym together and encouraging each other to go.
Accept yourself for who you are, no matter what. This is the most important step for teenagers looking for motivation to lose weight. They have to know that no matter what they weigh they are still the same person on the inside. People who believe their outside somehow reflects their inside may get down on themselves about their weight, which fuels over-eating. This step may also be the hardest of all, but it is important teenagers work on it gradually by constantly encouraging themselves with positive thinking and gaining encouragement and support from those around them.