How to Lose Three Pounds a Week Counting Calories
Reduce your calories by 1,500 per day to lose three pounds per week. Realize that you can achieve this by burning calories through exercise and by lowering your caloric intake from food.
Replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods. Consume low-fat dairy instead of full-fat dairy. Eat lean meats such as turkey and chicken instead of fatty meats. Fill up on vegetables and fruits since these are naturally low in calories. Get your carbohydrates from fiber-rich, whole-grain sources, including brown rice and whole-wheat pasta. Consume carbohydrates early in the day.
Read food labels to find out how many calories are in one serving. One can of soup can contain two servings, which means that if you consume the whole can, you will have to multiply the calories by two.
Trigger your metabolism to burn calories by eating every three hours. Consume up to five to six small meals instead of three big ones. Keep your body from experiencing hunger.
Start a 30-minute, daily cardiovascular exercise routine to burn calories. Increase your caloric burn by working out at a high intensity or by working out for a longer period of time. Speed-walk on the treadmill at an incline to burn more calories or increase the resistance of the elliptical machine or stationary bike. Engage in various types of cardio to keep from getting bored. Enter your current weight and the length of your cardio session into an online calorie calculator to get an estimate of how many calories you will burn.
Lift weights to maintain and increase muscle tissue because muscle takes up less space than fat and also makes your body burn calories when you are resting. Take on a whole-body approach where you train all parts of your body.