How to Lose 15 Lbs in Three Weeks
Drastically reduce the amount of daily calories you take in. If 1 lb. of fat is 3,500 calories, you need to burn a total of 52,500 calories --- 2,500 calories per day --- to lose 15 lbs. in 21 days. Reduce calories through exercise and diet.
Consume six small meals over the course of the day to keep you feeling satiated and to stimulate your metabolism. Avoid skipping meals and always eat breakfast to jump-start your metabolism.
Limit carbohydrates to vegetables and fruits. Avoid starches, but if you have to have them, eat oatmeal early in the morning. Ban fatty protein, replacing it with protein from lean sources such as chicken and fish. Prepare foods in unsaturated fats such as canola or olive oil. Broil or grill your food instead of frying it.
Exercise 60 minutes per day to speed up weight loss. Include short bursts of high-intensity intervals in your cardiovascular exercise. Avoid boredom by switching between different types of cardio. Run, swim, bike or work out on gym cardio equipment.
Rev up your resting metabolic rate by adding weight training to your exercise routine. Muscle tissue demands more energy to sustain itself, resulting in a metabolism that is active day and night.
Sip green tea throughout the day to burn more fat. The Colon Health website notes that sipping up to five cups of green tea per day reduces your appetite and speeds up your metabolism.
Drink water to fill you up, flush out toxins and unnecessary nutrients, promote digestive health and speed fat metabolism.
Get at least seven hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation can lead to lack of energy and make you susceptible to food cravings that can sabotage your weight loss.