How to Lose Weight Fast & Inexpensively
Consume approximately 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day to lose three to five pounds a week. Eat foods that are low in calories and high in nutrition. Try to eat one to two cups of fruits and vegetables, two to three ounces of whole grains and one to two ounces of meat for each meal. Stay away from drinks that are high in sugar, such as energy drinks, soft drinks and juices. These drinks add a lot of empty calories to your diet. Instead, drink water.
Keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat every day, even if you eat something unhealthy. You can keep track of your calorie intake and make better choices the next day.
Walk or jog four to six days a week for 30 to 60 minutes. It burns a lot of calories and is very inexpensive. A person who weighs 160 pounds can burn 277 calories walking for an hour. Try walking in different areas every day so you do not get bored.
Rent a fitness DVD from your local library. They are free to rent and require little to no equipment. Choose a DVD based on your fitness level and also one that you will enjoy. Yoga and aerobics are great exercises that are seen in many fitness DVDs.