Sculpting Ball Exercises
Stability Ball Bounce Lift
Sit on a stability ball with your knees bent in line with your ankles and your feet flat on the floor. Your hands should be touching the ball on either side of your thighs. Bounce slowly at first, building up speed and intensity by using your thigh muscles to lift your buttocks off the ball without allowing the ball to roll away. Let go of the ball, raising your arms above your head, for more of a challenge. Do 15 repetitions to begin with, but eventually you should progress to 25 reps. This exercise will help strengthen your butt, quadriceps, hamstrings and abdominals.
Lie on your back on the floor. Hold the stability ball tightly between your lower legs. Your legs should be extended straight out in front of you and your arms should be at your sides, resting comfortably. Your back should be firmly to the floor --contract your abs to accomplish this. Squeeze your legs in order to hold the ball and twist your legs in a half circle motion to make a corkscrew. Now twist your legs in the other direction to complete the corkscrew movement. During this exercise your torso is centered, your back to the floor and your hips should be square. Perform 12 to 15 reps, eventually progressing to 20. This exercise strengthens your abdominals, quadriceps and inner thighs.
Ball Pull
Place the stability ball on the floor. Kneel behind the ball, knees hip-width apart, arms straight, placing hands on top of the ball close to your body. Contract your abs so that your spine comes to a neutral position. Keep your abs tight, your arms straight and shoulder blades drawn down. Shift your hips forward, rolling the ball out in front of you until your body is at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Use your back abdominal muscles to pull the ball toward you, returning to the start position. Do 8 to 12 reps, progressing to 15. This exercise will help strengthen your middle back and abdominals.
Lay on the floor on your back with your legs extended. Hold the stability ball firmly between your lower legs with your arms resting at your sides. Contract your abs, bending your knees toward your chest. Straighten your legs above your hips, slightly lower if possible. Lift your upper torso off the floor, reaching for the ball with your hands. Grab the ball, lying back down and keeping your legs extended above your hips. Bring the ball overhead, back toward, but not touching, the floor. Lift your upper torso again and bring the ball over your chest, placing it back between your legs. Bend your knees and extend your legs back to the start position. Complete 8 to 12 repetitions, progressing to 15. This exercise will help strengthen your abdominal muscles.