How to Flatten Your Stomach & Lose About 10 Lbs
Diet and Aerobic Exercise
Use one of the "Calorie Calculators" offered in the Resources to calculate your body's estimated daily caloric needs based on your age, height, weight, gender and current activity level. This number represents the estimated number of calories required each day to maintain your current body weight.
Subtract 250 from your daily caloric intake need (calculated in Step 1), then subtract your original daily caloric intake need by 500. These two numbers represent the range of calories you should consume each day. One pound of body fat is the equivalent of 3,500 calories. Therefore, reducing your caloric intake by 250 to 500 calories per day puts you on track to lose 1 to 2 pounds of body fat per week.
Keep track of all the calories you take in from all foods and drinks in order to meet your target calorie range. Do not skip meals to meet your target calorie range. This only depresses your metabolism. Instead, according to the "Weight Loss Tip for Athletes" publication offered on the University of Arizona website, you should: eat smaller food portions; eat slowly in order to feel full sooner; drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and choose lower calorie foods from each Food Group.
Engage in 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to intense aerobic exercise each day with the goal of burning at least 250 calories each day from the workout. The number of calories burn in an activity depends upon your body weight.
Exercises to Tighten Abdominal Muscles
Place a mat on the floor.
Lie flat on the mat on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor, and your arms at your side. Contract your abdominal muscles as you lift your pelvis up and your shoulders off the mat. Bring your knees into your chest. Hold for a count of two. Slowly return to starting position and repeat. Perform four sets with a minimum of eight reps in each set. This exercise is called the "bent knee abdominal hip raise."
Lie flat on the mat on your back with your legs straight and your arms outstretched strait up overhead. Contract your abdominal muscles as you raise your legs, shoulders and arms off the floor to meet in a jackknife position. Hold for a count of two. Slowly return to starting position and repeat. Perform four sets with a minimum of eight reps in each set. This exercise is called the "fingers to toes abdominal crunch."