How to Reduce Belly Fat in Men
Eat a diet high in lean protein. Good protein sources include legumes, tofu, eggs, chicken and fish.
Replace saturated fats with healthy, unsaturated fats. Avoid deep-fried foods, butter and cream. Instead eat sources of healthy fat including nuts, avocados and flaxseed oil.
Include six to eight servings of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. These foods are not only high in vitamins and minerals, they are high in fiber. Fiber makes you feel fuller for longer and keeps your digestive system efficient.
Replace refined carbohydrates like white pastas, breads and rice, with whole grains like oats, barley, brown rice, quinoa. Whole grains are nutritious and high in fiber.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes five times a week. Moderate to vigorous physical activity will burn off excess weight and increase your metabolism. Try walking, jogging, playing sports, aerobics classes, workout DVD's or swimming.
Strengthen your abdominal muscles with crunches. While crunches won't cause you to lose weight, they will flatten your belly and increase muscle mass. Lay on your back with your feet planted flat and your knees bent. Put your hands behind your head and tuck your chin into your chest. Lift your upper body toward your knees, hold, then drop back down to the floor. Perform up to 60 crunches each day.