How to Celebrate Weight Loss Success
Things You'll Need
- Chart or Calendar
- Weight loss goals
- List of rewards you like
Celebrating Weight Loss
Outline your goals and write them down on a chart or calendar. Give yourself a goal, for example, for every five pounds lost and a reward or a list of rewards from which to choose. Keep the chart in a visible place to encourage you to stick to your plan. You may have to experiment with goals and rewards to find what method works best for you.
Decide how much or how little you want to spend, if anything at all, and plan accordingly. Keep your rewards in perspective. Smaller rewards work well for smaller weight losses; reserving larger rewards for the bigger hurdles will help to keep you motivated and on track toward your ultimate weight loss goal.
Celebrate the smaller weight loss goals with things you enjoy such as a manicure or pedicure, a new haircut or a facial. Rent a movie to watch alone or with friends or buy yourself flowers to put on your table. Each time you walk by and smell them, you'll be reminded of your success.
Celebrate larger weight loss goals such as the 20- or 50-pound mark with a new outfit or an expensive bottle of perfume. Devote an entire evening to reading a book. Slip into a bubble bath for an hour. Visit a museum or other place of interest or work on scrapbooking that has been placed aside for much too long.
As you lose weight and feel better, these rewards will replace the old habits and become a way of life. Continue to stick to your weight loss goals and take care of yourself in new, healthier ways.