How to Lose Weight by Not Drinking Pop
Look on the side of your preferred soda pop and find the calories per serving.
Count the number of servings you have per day. As an example, if one can of pop is a single serving, and you drink three cans per day, then you consume three servings.
Multiply the number of daily servings you consume by the calories per serving. In the example, if your can of soda contains 150 calories, then you consume 450 calories in pop alone.
Divide this number by 3,500 to calculate the pounds that pop contributes to your weight. In the example, dividing 450 by 3,500 tells you 0.13 pounds per day are contributed to your weight, just from pop. By cutting out pop, this is the amount you can lose every day. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up.
Multiply this number by seven to calculate your weekly weight loss by not drinking pop. In the example, you will lose 0.91 pounds per week.
Multiply your weekly weight loss by 52 to calculate your annual weight loss with soda pop out of your diet. In the example, you will lose 47.32 pounds doing nothing more than cutting out an unhealthy drink.