How to Lose Weight With Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice
Things You'll Need
- Unsweetened Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice
- Water
- Water soluble fiber (optional)
Dilute one part unsweetened cranberry juice with four parts water. Add in a few teaspoons of water soluble fiber if desired.
Fast for two days, only drinking unsweetened cranberry juice and water, and consuming no solid foods. This period can be extended up to two weeks, though it is not advised for someone who has never cleansed before.
Drink the cranberry/water mixture continuously as you begin to add solid foods back in to your diet. Only raw, unprocessed foods should be eaten, high in fiber and low in fats. Wheat should be avoided unless it is unprocessed.
Continue to consume the cranberry juice for three weeks after adding food back in to your diet.
Eat only unprocessed foods and low-fat meals after the three weeks is up. Change your dietary habits completely so this stays with you throughout the rest of your life. This will allow you to keep off the weight that you lost by fasting and healthy eating.
Consume cranberry juice as part of a healthy lifestyle after your diet. Drinking one cup every morning will aid in cleansing out your system that day.