Quick Healthy Way to Lose Tummy Fat
Spread out five to six small meals over the day so your metabolism is forced to stay active and does not slow down. Eat a small portion every two to three hours. Include lean protein such as chicken and fish in your diet. Get carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, and consume healthy fats such as olive oil and raw nuts.
Avoid drastically cutting calories and activating your body's survival mode where, because it detects starvation, it holds onto fat. The Medline Plus website recommends that you lose a maximum of 2 lbs. per week by reducing your caloric intake by 1,000 calories per day.
Incorporate high-intensity intervals into your cardiovascular exercise so you burn more calories than you would with regular cardiovascular exercise. Switch back and forth from several minutes of low-intensity cardio to a few minutes of high-intensity cardio. Complete up to 45 minutes of interval training per day, three days of the week.
Add strength training to increase lean muscle tissue because muscle activates your metabolism all day, even when you are resting. Focus on training all muscles of the body on three non-consecutive days of the week. Use your own body weight, machines or free weights for resistance.
Tone the muscles underneath your tummy fat so that once your tummy fat has been reduced, tight muscles appear. Perform leg raises and reverse crunches for your lower abs. Include crunches for your upper abs, and elbow-to-knee crunches for your obliques. Practice proper form as you do the stomach exercises.
Avoid stress getting the better of you and adding pounds to your frame. Practice meditation or take regular breaks to breathe deeply and relax. The Natural Health Website for Women states that high stress levels increase the release of cortisol, a stress hormone associated with fat gain around the waist.
Sip green tea throughout the day to speed up your metabolism. According to the Colon Health website, drinking up to five cups of green tea per day increases the daily amount of calories you burn.
Reduce the amount of sodium you consume because excess sodium makes your body hold onto water and bloats you. The American Heart Association recommends that you consume less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day.