How Can an Overweight Person Lose Weight?
Monitor the amount of food you consume, and make an effort to burn more calories than you eat. Use smaller plates and eat slowly to avoid overeating when you're overweight. Reward yourself with something other than food, such as a movie or time out with friends or family.
Incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet. Eat at least two cups of fruit per day, and avoid fruit juices as they often contain high amounts of sugar. Eat dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli as well as carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. Include legumes such as pinto, black and garbanzo beans as well as split peas and lentils.
Eat at least three ounces of whole grains per day to help lose weight. Eat cereals and breads made from whole grains, whole-wheat pastas and brown rice.
Select dairy products that are low fat or fat free. Consume three cups of low-fat or fat-free milk per day or an equivalent amount of cheese or yogurt.
Choose lean meats, fish and poultry as your source of protein. Bake, broil or grill your meat in lieu of frying. Eat beans, nuts, peas and seeds as alternative sources of protein.
Choose foods and oils that contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in your weight-loss plan. Avoid unsaturated fats, or consume no more than 10 percent your daily caloric intake in saturated fats.
Limit the amount of sodium you consume. Do not add salt to your food, and consume no more than 2,300 grams of sodium per day.
Engage in physical activity each day. If you're overweight, walk rather than drive whenever possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Spend quality time playing with your children or pet rather than watching television.
Perform 30 minutes or more of cardio exercises that increase your heart rate at least three times a week. This includes jogging, biking, swimming and walking at a brisk pace to help you lose weight. Perform strength-training workouts at least twice a week. Use weights or resistance bands to work and tone your muscles.
Set specific goals you want to achieve to keep you motivated and challenged. Set a goal to walk, run, bike or swim a specific distance or for a certain time period. Change your workout routine if you find yourself feeling bored or unmotivated.
Do not allow occasional mistakes or moments of weakness derail your progress. If you miss a workout or eat an unhealthy meal, do not give up or elect to start over another time. Attend your next workout session, or make the next meal a healthy one. Focus on making lifestyle changes rather than losing weight.