What Is the Best Way to Lose Weight on Your Upper Arms
Engage in regular strength-based resistance training. Lift weights heavy enough that you can only do between four and six repetitions. Focus on compound exercises such as squats, bench presses, overhead presses and deadlifts. Even though some of these exercises don't work your arms specifically, they will speed up your overall metabolism and force your body to burn fat for energy.
Develop a meal plan that is 40 percent carbohydrates, 40 percent protein and 20 percent fat. Do this by avoiding white sources of carbs such as white bread and rice and instead focus on whole-grains and vegetables. Avoid animal and trans fats and eat fish, olive oil, peanuts and other natural sources of fat. Finally, avoid fatty sources of protein such as bacon and instead consume skinless chicken breasts, beans and other low-fat sources.
Perform regular cardiovascular exercise -- but never for more than 30 minutes. The reason for this is because after 30 minutes your body will start burning muscle rather than fat -- and you will lose muscle tone on your arms without losing fat. The most efficient fat burning cardio exercise is interval training, where you work as hard as you can for a short time and then relax for a short time and repeat. Your intervals should be no less than 30 seconds and no more than two minutes. Your rests can be as long as your intervals, twice as long as your intervals, or somewhere in between, depending on your fitness level.
Speak to a personal trainer about a resistance training program that uses compound exercises. These exercises work your entire body and make it more efficient at burning calories. This will help you burn fat off your arms and tone the muscle underneath them.
Focus on your upper arms through tricep exercises. One example is a kickback, where you put one knee on a bench and the other on the floor with a dumbbell in one hand. Move your elbow and push the dumbbell straight backward, then slowly bring it back. Repeat for 8 to 12 repetitions.
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