How to Be Skinny Without Dieting
Follow a vegan diet. Vegan diets mean you give up foods that contain any animal products. Along with that, you need to exclude fast food and processed food from your diet. The proponents of this eating plan, Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman, both formerly in the modeling industry, do say you can forget counting calories. Eat as much as you want, but limit yourself to organic fruit, soy products, vegetables, beans, natural foods, nuts and whole grains. Brown rice and minimal amount of organic oils are also permitted. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, dairy, refined flour, sugar, artificial sugars, caffeine and chemicals are off limits. Snack only if you get too hungry.
Eat according to the "fullness factor." This plan helps you lose weight by listing foods that help you stay full longer with fewer calories. The "fullness factor" uses a rating scale of zero to five, with five being the highest and most filling. For example, watermelon has a fullness factor of 4.0, apples 3.3 and bananas 2.5. The same amount of calories from a watermelon will fill you up more than the calories found in an apple. By eating comparable foods, you can probably eat less and lose weight.
Learn to eat what you crave. That's right, eat anything you want. The trick is using major portion control. Indulge in just a few bites of those chocolate chip cookies or fried onion rings, but balance out your diet with healthy fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean meats. Eat slowly and savor those rich delicacies. Make sure to include a little protein to balance out your metabolism.
Exercise vigorously. According to the website Science, people who exercise more as they grow older gain less weight than those who exercise moderately. Exercise helps prevent weight gain, which in turn helps prevent diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol and other diseases. The study tracked runners who ran the same distance over a seven year period. Those who ran more than 30 miles weekly gained about half of the weight than those who ran fewer than 15 miles weekly.
Add strength training to sculpt your body the way you want it to look. A personal trainer can help you with this.