How to Eat Smaller Meals to Lose Weight
Use smaller plates. Along with your food, the American dinner plate has gotten bigger as well. A smaller plate tricks your eye into seeing more food. This is a good option as long as you are filling the plate with a variety of nutritious items.
Drink a full glass of water before you eat. Adults should drink six to eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day. For some, this can be a challenge. If you drink one of those glasses before each meal, you've had almost half your water already.
Have a piece of fruit before you eat any meal. Fruit on its own might not satisfy you when you're dieting, but if you have a piece before each meal, you'll likely eat less during the meal because your stomach will be fuller.
Include protein in every meal. Eating protein will make you feel fuller longer, possibly preventing you from indulging in something fattening later.
Eat half a serving when dining out. Picture that bathtub-sized bowl of pasta so many restaurants serve these days. It's usually impossible to eat all that, but most people try. Avoid that uncomfortably full feeling by dividing the portion in half as soon as it's served to you. Better yet, ask your server to bring an extra small plate when your food comes so you can physically separate the portion you are going to eat. Feel free to share what's left, or bring it home for another meal or two.