The Fastest Way to Lose Weight in Your Thighs
Trigger your metabolism to work all day by eating small, frequent meals. Eat up to six small portions daily so you feel satiated and are never hungry. Avoid skipping meals.
Avoid fatty, fried and sugary foods and replace them with healthier fare including carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, healthy fats from olive oil and avocados and lean protein from chicken and fish. Choose water over alcohol because alcohol drains your energy and water flushes out toxins, promotes fat metabolism and keeps your hydrated.
Insert intervals into your cardiovascular routine. states that interval training burns more calories than regular cardiovascular exercise, in a shorter amount of time and you are also less likely to get bored. Perform cardio at a comfortable level that's easy to maintain and speed it up to high intensity for two to five minutes before going back to the comfortable pace. Switch between intensities to complete up to 30 to 45 minutes per day, three days per week.
Follow an whole-body weight training regimen to tone and increase muscle tissue so that tight muscles will appear once your excess tight weight is reduced. Muscle takes up less space than fat and activates your metabolism for the entire day. Include triceps extensions and dumbbell curls for your arms, crunches and dead lifts for your tummy and back and dumbbell presses for your shoulders.
Tone your legs with stationary lunges and hold onto dumbbell weights for an added challenge.
Lunges: Take a big step forward with your right leg so your left leg balances on its toes. Inhale and bend both knees to lower your body straight down towards the floor. keep your right leg in line with your right foot and bend it at a 90-degree angle. Exhale as you come back up to the starting position and repeat the exercise for as many repetitions as desired before switching legs.
Perform squats to tighten your thigh muscles. Add dumbbell weights to make the exercise more challenging.
Squats: Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed forward. Inhale and bend the knees to bring your upper body down. Avoid lowering beyond a 90 degree angle. Push from your heels to bring your body back to the beginning position. Exhale on the exertion. Perform as many repetitions as your fitness level allows.
Burn an extra 70 calories per day by sipping three to five cups of green tea daily. According to the Colon Health website, green tea substances called catechins boost your metabolism for extra caloric burn.