How to Lose Weight on Your Tummy in Two Weeks
Take in 500 to 1,000 calories less, per day, to lose weight at a healthy rate. According to the Medline Plus website, you'll lose 1 to 2 pounds per week, because 1 pound of fat has 3,500 calories. Avoid losing more than 2 pounds weekly. Losing more than 2 pounds weekly is counterproductive, because at that point your body kicks into survival mode and begins to store fat.
Eat smaller meals, more often. Replace three large meals per day with six smaller meals, to keep your metabolism activated over a longer period of time, and to avoid cravings.
Consume healthy foods that will not sabotage your results. Choose fiber-rich, whole-grain products, vegetables, fruits, chicken, tuna, turkey, raw nuts and olive oil. Include healthy brown carbohydrates, unsaturated fats and lean protein in each meal.
Add intervals into your cardiovascular exercise routine. Perform 45 minutes of cardio daily, three days a week. Add spurts of high-intensity cardio to your routine -- speed up your exercise to the point that you can't talk anymore. Keep this up for several minutes before falling back to a moderate intensity. The MayoClinic website states that interval training burns more calories than regular cardio, in a shorter amount of time, so you get faster results.
Lift weights to increase all-over muscle tissue, which keeps your metabolism activated even when you're resting. Train your arms with biceps curls and triceps extensions; perform weighted squats and lunges for your legs; target your back with dead-lifts and your shoulders with dumbbell presses.
Tone your abdominals by doing a variety of stomach exercises. Stomach exercises don't burn fat from your stomach, but sculpt and shape your waist, so toned muscles show once the fat is gone. Perform crunches for your upper abs, reverse crunches for your lower abs, and twist-crunches for your obliques.
Drink three to five cups of green tea daily. The Colon Health website states that you'll burn an extra 70 calories daily, because catechins, substances in green tea, speed up your metabolism.
Take a few minutes, every two hours or so, to breathe deeply and relax yourself. Stay stress-free, so that cortisol levels in your body stay stable and don't increase. The Natural Health Website for Women claims that cortisol, the stress hormone, is associated with fat gain -- mainly around your middle.