How to Lose 15 Pounds in 21 Days With a Diet
Talk to a doctor before starting the program, especially if there are health problems. The 15/21 program is a dietary program that includes foods like rice, oatmeal, fruits, vegetables and fish. Though it is a diet for food and does not specifically incorporate exercise, talking to a doctor about the plan will prevent any problems with health that might occur. This is especially important for anyone who has diabetes because doctors might suggest substitutions for some foods like rice.
Adjust the diet plan as necessary. The diet plan in the program is set for a 180 pound male. The program suggests four extra ounces of protein like fish or chicken for every 20 extra pounds.
Split foods into six meals. One key point to the 15/21 diet program is eating six small meals at regular intervals. According to CBS, eating small meals five or six times a day will result in a faster metabolism, which results in faster weight loss.
Drink water. The program suggests one ounce of water for every pound of body weight while active or ½ ounce of water for every pound of body weight when inactive.
Eat all six daily meals for all three weeks. Never skip a meal. The key to the 15/21 program is consistent and requires regular meals every two to three hours to keep the metabolism going. Skipping a meal can throw off the entire diet. If a meal is skipped, eat it with the next meal, which is better than skipping the meal entirely.
Avoid getting on the scale. Spend the three weeks working on eating according to the plan. Get on the scale after three weeks on the diet plan. This will avoid getting discouraged in the beginning and throwing off the plan. The weight loss takes a little time to show up, but after three weeks the dramatic losses are evident.