How to Lose Fat From My Hips
Eat five to seven small meals per day and drink plenty of water to give your metabolism a healthy boost and ensure your body is adequately fueled.
Avoid simple sugars and processed foods. Foods such as packaged ready meals, confectionery, biscuits, cakes, jams, sugars and sauces will dramatically increase your blood sugar levels -- sparking a large insulin release that will, in turn, lead to peaks and troughs in energy levels and hunger swings. Instead, get your energy from complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, oats and brown rice.
Eat high-quality proteins. Egg whites, fish, chicken and lean red meats are all low in fat and calories while providing an excellent source of protein with the full profile of amino acids (the building blocks of all proteins). For this reason, they are known as "complete proteins," and will build and repair muscle and connective tissue in addition to increasing metabolism.
Consume plenty of fruit and vegetables. These provide a vast array of nutritional goodness while remaining low in calories and fat. In addition, fruit and vegetables offer a healthy dose of dietary fiber -- essential for regulating insulin response and promoting healthy digestive function.
Consume two to three portions of oily fish per week. Oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout are a great source of essential fatty acids; also known as "good fats." These good fats help process the fats stored in your body into a form that is easier to break down and flush out. Nuts and seeds are also a good source of essential fatty acids, but be sure to limit your portion sizes as they are also high in calories and fat.
Cardiovascular Exercise
Perform regular cardiovascular exercise such as jogging, cycling or swimming. The U.S. Department of Health recommends undertaking at least 30 minutes of "prolonged physical activity" (sweat inducing) a minimum of three times per week.
Train with a skipping rope for 10 to 15 minutes each day. Skipping is an example of cardiovascular exercise that focuses particular attention on the muscles around the hips, thighs and bottom areas.
Join a recreational sports team. Team sports such as basketball, volleyball and soccer provide an excellent outlet for burning calories, and the social and fun element of the games will help keep you motivated.
Exercises for Thighs, Hips and Buttocks
Carry out resistance training exercises that target your hips, thighs and buttocks. This will tighten and sculpt your problem area.
Perform squats. Stand with your feet facing forward, shoulder width apart. Bend at the knees and lower into a sitting position, keeping your weight over your heels. Once your legs are at right angles, push back up into the starting position. If you feel unbalanced, try holding a dumbbell with both hands in front of you as a counterweight, adding to this weight as you progress.
Perform abductor presses. Lie flat on your back and place a resistance band between your ankles. Work against the resistance band, opening your legs as far as you can manage before slowly returning to the start position.
Perform adductor squeezes. Kneel on the floor with an exercise ball between your legs. Squeeze the ball tightly between your thighs for three seconds and release.