A Fast Way to Lose Body Fat
Keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat for a week and determine your average daily intake of calories and fat. This should highlight whether or not you are over-eating, and what your problem foods (or drinks) are. The U.S. Recommended Daily Allowances states that women should consume an average of 2,000 calories and 70 grams of fat a day, with men averaging 2,500 calories and 95 grams of fat. To lose one pond of body fat per week, you will need a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories. Adjust your calorie intake in line with your exercise program to ensure you are burning more calories than you are consuming.
Adjust your eating habits. Consume five to seven smaller meals a day and drink plenty of water to boost your metabolism and prevent hunger swings.
Know what foods to eat and what to stay clear of. Avoid processed foods and simple sugars found in many packaged ready meals, confectionery, cakes, jams, syrups and sauces. Instead, opt for complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, oats and whole grains for your source of energy. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables --- these should make up the foundation of your diet. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat, high in nutritional value, and provide a large amount of dietary fiber, which promotes healthy digestive function and regulates insulin response.
Exercise regularly. The U.S. Department of Health recommends undertaking at least 30 minutes of "prolonged physical activity" each week. This means exercising at a sufficient work rate to make you sweat. Cycling, jogging and swimming are all examples of cardiovascular exercise, which is ideal for burning calories and shedding those excess pounds.
Begin a resistance training program. Working out with weights will burn calories, increase your bone density and promote the growth of lean muscle tissue --- all contributing factors to an increased metabolic rate and healthier body composition. There is no need to train with heavy weights, or expect to turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger overnight, but regular resistance training will also improve your stamina and posture.
Weigh yourself on a weekly basis and take regular body fat percentage checks using body-fat calipers or a body-fat monitor. Keeping track of your progress will act as a great motivational tool and prevent you from slipping back into your unhealthy habits.