How to Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Days Just by Exercising
Exercise daily. Cardiovascular activity is a great way to lose a lot of weight in a short time. Weight is commonly lost by burning off more calories than you consume, so doing a lot of exercise is important. Every day spend an hour at least running, swimming, power walking or dancing. Depending on your weight, these activities might burn off 600 calories an hour. Keep in mind that there are 3500 calories in a pound.
Consume no more than 2000 calories a day if you're male and no more than 1500 if you are female. Depending on your beginning weight, this may cut 500 or so calories from your recommended daily allowance, which, combined with the exercise, will help you lose weight quickly.
Eat five to six small meals a day. This will increase your metabolism and help the body burn off more fat. Experts suggest that by eating regularly, the body loses more weight because the body does not go into shock, starvation mode and retain weight. You will also feel fuller and crave extra food less.
Do not stop eating. This is the most common thought when people are trying to lose weight -- but the body will enter starvation mode and retain calories. It will therefore hinder your weight loss.
Do not consume any alcohol. Alcohol contains "empty" calories, i.e. calories you do not essentially need. Some beers and wines even have as many calories as a full meal.
Drink eight pints of water every day. Water is very good for weight loss as it flushes out the toxins built up in the body. It also helps you feel fuller for longer and brightens up the skin and hair. The body is made up of around 75 percent water and will need replenishing throughout the day.