How to Train to Lose Weight Quickly
Drink at least 64 oz. of water per day. Keep water with you to sip on during the day and drink a glass before each meal. Water helps to hydrate your body while you train, helps you feel full sooner during meals, improves your metabolism of body fat and fights off what you might think are hunger pangs.
Determine the number of calories you eat per day. Read the nutrition label to find out how large a serving size is and how many calories it contains. Write down everything you eat and add it up at the end of the day. This number represents your caloric intake.
Calculate your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, to find out how many calories your body burns each day. Your body burns calories performing functions like digestion and breathing even when you are at rest. Use an online BMR calculator (see Resources).
Compare your BMR to your caloric intake to determine how much you need to exercise. The amount of calories you burn with your BMR and daily exercise must be greater than your caloric intake to lose weight. Try to balance your calories so that you are losing 250 to 500 calories per day.
Train your body with high-intensity aerobic exercise for 15 to 45 minutes per day. Based on your weight, gender, any medical conditions, the activity you perform, length of exercise and intensity of exercise, you will burn a certain number of calories. According to ShapeFit, activities such as running, using an elliptical trainer, step aerobics and cycling burn around 300 calories in just 30 minutes.
Alternate the activities you perform and increase your intensity. Your body responds to new challenges and you will be able to continue losing the most weight if you complete new exercises or work harder. Alternate between two to three forms of aerobic exercise a week, change your aerobic exercise every month or increase the pace you work at every other week.