How to Lose Weight Using a Rower
Properly Using the Rower
Adjust the foot straps on the rower to accommodate your specific height. The heels of your feet should rest comfortably against foot pedals.
Set your desired resistance level. If this is your first time working out with a rower, begin with a low resistance setting as you acclimate yourself to the use of the rower.
Grab the rower's handles using a relaxed, but firm overhand grip. Extend your arms straight out and slide the rower's seat forward so that it's directly underneath your body as you sit straight up. Tighten your abdominal core. This is called the "catch" position.
Push off against the foot pedals, fully extending your legs. Keep your core tight. This is called the "drive" position. Lean back slightly as you bend your elbows, pulling your arms into your body, still keeping your core tight. This is called the "finish" position. As you count off, the entire drive and finish movements is a count of one.
Extend your arms back out as you slide the rower's seat back up to the catch position. This movement is called the "recovery." As you count off, the entire recovery movement should last for a count of two.
Maximum Weight Loss
Subtract your age from 220 to estimate your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). For example, the average 30-year-old person has a MRH of 190 beats per minute because 220-30=190.Your target heart rate zone for maximum fat burning weight loss is between 60 and 80 percent of your MHR.
Row for approximately four minutes at a pace of twenty strokes per minute, then stop.
Measure your pulse rate for ten seconds. Multiply the number of pulse beats you counted by six to determine the number of beats per minute.
Adjust either the resistance setting of the rower, or your strokes per minute rate, to lower or raise the intensity of your workout and bring your heart rate into the lower portion of your target range. Work out at this intensity for four minutes. Increase your strokes per minute by a count of two and work out at this pace for three minutes. Increase your strokes per minute by a count of two and work out at this pace for two minutes. Increase your strokes per minute by a count of two and work out at this pace for one minute.
Reverse and decrease your strokes per minute by a count of two and work out at this pace for a count of two minutes. Continue for a total minimum 30-minute workout.