How Can a Woman Lose 5 Pounds in One Week?

Dieting often begins after the holiday season. Doctors recommend losing no more than 3 lbs. each week, but you can lose more in your first week of dieting. The key to a successful weight-loss program is to burn more calories than you consume. A high level of commitment is also required to lose 5 lbs. or more in one week.


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      Exercise for 40 to 60 minutes every day. Effective cardiovascular exercises burn a large number of calories and include, but are not limited to, running, swimming, dancing and power walking. Workout DVDs allow you to work out at home.

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      Cut out foods high in carbohydrates, fat and sugar. Reduce or remove multigrain ingredients that are high in yeast, like breads, pasta and pastries.

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      Drink at least 8 pts. of water daily. Water flushes out the toxins in the body and helps aid weight loss by alleviating hunger pangs and making you feel full.

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      Remove all alcohol and fizzy drinks from your diet. These drinks contain empty calories, meaning they contain little to no nutritional value. Water should be your primary drink.

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      Drink black tea or coffee and forgo the milk and sugar. Black tea and coffee contain few calories.

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      Consume only fresh fish or white meat and steamed vegetables for your last meal of the day. This type of meal is high in protein and low in fat. A healthy meal allows nutrients to be quickly absorbed and aids in digestion.

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