How to Lose 10 Pounds Without Pills
Lower your caloric intake by 500 to 1,000 calories per day. Expect to lose 10 lbs. in five to 10 weeks. According Medline Plus, losing more than 2 lbs. per week is unhealthy and means you are losing lean muscle tissue and water weight instead of fat. Your body can also start holding onto fat because it thinks you are starving and doesn't know when it can expect the next meal.
Eat a small breakfast, lunch and dinner -- and add two more small meals to your day so you consume a total of six small meals daily. Eat frequently to increase your metabolic burn and to avoid feeling hungry and giving into cravings. Eat low-fat and non-fat products instead of full-fat foods. For instance, drink low-fat or non-fat milk instead of full-fat milk. Replace white carbohydrates such as white bread and white rice with brown ones such as brown bread and brown rice. Consume lean meats including chicken and turkey instead of fatty meats like pork and lamb.
Limit saturated fats to 20 g daily and avoid trans fats completely. These fats can cause unwanted weight gain -- and they increase your bad cholesterol levels and put you at an increased risk for heart disease. Saturated fats mostly come from animal sources such as beef, pork and lamb -- and trans fats can be found in cakes, cookies, doughnuts, fried foods and some margarines.
Exercise 45 minutes per day, three days a week. Run, walk, bike or swim to bring your heart rate up. Including exercise in your lifestyle speeds up weight loss and increases your metabolism.
Add weight training to your exercise routine to maintain an active metabolic burn all day. Increase muscle mass because muscle burns more calories than fat. Work out the entire body by splitting your body parts over the three days you work out. Train arms and shoulders on Mondays, legs on Tuesdays and your abdominals and back on Fridays. Perform biceps curls for the front of your upper arms and triceps extensions for the back of your upper arms. Lunges and squats will work your large leg muscles and chest presses will work your pectoral muscles.
Avoid getting insufficient sleep because sleep deprivation leads to lack of energy and feeling fatigued. You should get no less than eight hours of sleep per night because lack of sleep stimulates Ghrelin hormone levels which increases your appetite.