How to Tighten My Stomach Within a Month
Work your abdominal muscles three days a week, and on non-consecutive days, so the muscles have plenty of time to recover in between workouts. Target the abs from all angles. Perform upper abdominal exercises, such as crunches and sit-ups. Do side bends and twist crunches for the obliques. Work the lower abdominals with leg raises and reverse crunches.
Learn the stomach vacuum exercise, which according to the Bodybuilding website, can reduce your waistline by 2 to 4 inches in three weeks. Stand up straight with your hands on your hips, shoulders back and chest pushed forward. Exhale and bring the bellybutton toward your spine. Keep the belly pulled in as you breathe as you normally would. Hold the tension for 20 seconds and build it up to reach 60 seconds. Perform the stomach vacuum while sitting down, or while on all fours or lying down on your stomach.
Watch what you eat. Prevent diet-sabotage by avoiding bad fats, sugar, salt, white carbohydrates and fatty meats. Get your carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables. Eat lean meats like tuna, turkey and chicken, and look for products with unsaturated fats, such as avocados and raw nuts.
Run outdoors, or on the treadmill, for two to five minutes at an easy pace. Increase the pace to an intensity that makes it impossible to talk, and maintain this for two to five minutes, before going back to the easy pace. Switch back and forth between intensities to complete 30 to 45 minutes per day, three days a week. According to the MayoClinic website, interval training burns more fat and calories than same-intensity cardio.
Perform strength training exercises to lower your overall body fat. Perform exercises such as bench presses, triceps extensions, biceps curls, lunges, squats, and push-ups. Build muscle tissue, because muscle requires a lot of energy to sustain, resulting in a metabolism that works all day long.