How to Lose 20 Pounds in 40 Days
Determine how many calories you eat per day. One pound of fat equals roughly 3,500 calories. Using this calculation, 70,000 calories would need to be cut over a period of 40 days to lose 20 pounds, or roughly 1,750 calories per day . The first place to start is with your current diet. Keep a food diet and log everything you eat during a given day. This will give you an idea of exactly how much you are eating.
Set a daily calorie goal that is easy to attain. While you can say you're going to eat 1,000 calories a day, this simply isn't enough to keep the average person's body going, particularly if you are exercising. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that women do not go below 1,200 calories per day and that men do not go below 1,800 calories per day.
Set a workout goal to make up the remainder of your calorie reduction plan. In order to lose 20 pounds in 40 days, it is necessary to burn 1,750 calories per day as mentioned above. Reducing your calorie intake is one part, and the remainder will need to be made up through exercise. For example, one hour of high impact aerobics will burn approximately 300 calories for the average person.
Stay motivated. Losing 20 pounds in 40 days is not an easy task and it is important to keep on track and stay motivated for your weight loss goals. Try rewarding yourself with a massage or a shopping trip once you reach 10 pounds lost and set up a big reward at the end of the forty days to encourage you to stick to your diet.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and eating healthy foods is a big part of being healthy and having enough energy. Once you reach your goals, stay on top of your fitness and keep exercising. While there's nothing wrong with treating yourself to favorite foods, this should be done in moderation and should not derail your fitness goals.