How to Lose Six Pounds in Six Days
Cut out all high-fat, high-sugar foods or foods that have a high carbohydrate content. Also cut out all processed and take-out food. Foods like this not only adversely affect you in the short term by causing weight gain, but also in the long term as you will risk problems with high-blood pressure and diabetes. Cut out these food for longer than six days as it will help your overall health.
Count your calories. You should consume no more than 1500 calories if you are female and no more than 2000 if you are male. Record everything you eat and the calorie content. This will prevent you from eating too much and wondering why you have not lost any weight.
Drink approximately eight pints of water every day. Water keeps you feeling full while at the same time flushing out toxins in the body. Dr. Brenda Davy, associate professor of human nutrition, foods and exercise at Virginia Tech, conducted a study in 2007 and found that individuals who drank up to two glasses of water before every meal lost a significant amount more weight than those who did not.
Exercise for an hour a day, every day for six days. It is a common fact that weight loss occurs by burning off more calories than you consume. In day-to-day life, we burn off calories all the time but exercising intensely for an hour a day will dramatically increase the amount of weight you lose.
Run, swim or power walk. These high intensity, cardiovascular activities are perfect for quick weight loss.
Cut out alcohol and fizzy drinks. Sodas are a common cause of weight gain as people do not realize exactly how many calories they contain. Alcohol is similar, some beers contain as many calories as a meal. Replace all drinks with water and unsweetened green tea.
Increase your metabolism by eating four to six small, low-calorie meals a day. This prevents the body from entering starvation mode and holding onto fat in the body. You will also feel less hungry and the temptation to snack will be greatly reduced.