How to Lose Weight Tap Dancing
Things You'll Need
- Tap shoes
- Tap dancing video (optional)
Sign up for tap dancing classes. Community centers and fitness or dance studios usually offer these classes, often at little to no cost with a gym membership. The first few lessons will focus on basic steps and routines. You can also purchase a tap dancing exercise video to do in the comfort of your own home.
Stand straight with your shoulders upright. Place your feet shoulder width apart to stabilize and engage your core. Imagine a string pulling you straight up to the ceiling and make sure your spine is straight. Let your arms relax at your sides. Hold your hands 2 to 3 inches away from your upper legs.
Start with your right foot. Lift it off the floor and tap your toes. Swing your right foot forward and tap your heel. Bring it back under you and tap again with your toes. Repeat this process five times with your right foot. Switch to your left foot and repeat.
Move your right foot forward. Brush it so the ball of your shoe hits the floor. Move it backward so the ball brushes the floor again. Strike your foot firmly on the floor. Shift your weight to your left foot and back to your right. Repeat this process and complete five repetitions for each foot.
Move onto your right foot and tap the toes of your left foot behind your right heel. Shift your weight accordingly as you step. Repeat the process with your right foot, tapping it behind your left heel. Perform five to eight repetitions.
Use these exercises interchangeably for 20 to 30 minutes per day.