Home Remedy for How to Lose Belly Fat in a Month
Things You'll Need
- Notebook
- Pencil
- Non-processed protein foods
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
- Water
Write the date at the top of each page in your notebook. This will serve as your diet and exercise diary for the next month. Write each time you eat, drink water or exercise. This will hold you acocuntable for your actions and keep you on the right path for losing fat.
Sign up for MyPyramid in the resources section. This will tell you specifically how much you should be eating of each food group daily.
Begin a strength building exercise regimen that fits your lifestyle. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise each day such as speed walking or Pilates. Choose exercises that focus on your core to focus on fat burning such as a Pilates program designed for abdominal exercises or adding different varieties of crunches to your pre-walking stretches.
Choose lean proteins such as chicken, fish and beef for your protein servings. Steam or bake meats, but do not bread or fry them. Taste is improved with sea salt in moderation, pepper and herbs. Healthy non-meat protein includes raw nuts, quinoa and eggs.
Eat vegetables raw if possible. If they must be cooked, steam them to preserve the most nutrients.
Eat fruits when experiencing a sugar craving instead of processed sugars. Consume fruits raw if possible with nothing added.
Drink six or more 8 oz. glasses of water a day. Do not drink juice or soda as they are sugary empty calories.
Consume grains whole through whole wheat bread and brown rice instead of white bread or processed flours.
Choose low fat dairy such as skim milk, low fat yogurt and cheeses for your dairy servings.