How to Lose Weight on 1000 Calories a Day
Things You'll Need
- Pedometer
Remove starchy carbohydrates from your diet. Substitute them with lower calorie and fiber-filled vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. Increase your consumption of lean protein. Pair a chicken breast with a pile of steamed broccoli as a dinner option to lose weight on 1000 calories a day.
Distribute your calories throughout the day. Aim for approximately 300 calories per meal. The other 100 calories can be used as a snack. This is a small amount of food for each meal that will take some adjustment. Spreading out the calories ensures that you will have sufficient energy to get through the day.
Wear a pedometer. In addition to scheduled workouts, a pedometer can help track your steps throughout the day. Just adding walking into your day can translate into easy weight loss. Aim to take at least 10,000 steps per day.
Drink only herbal tea, water and coffee. Stay away from any beverages that contain calories. Stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water per day. Drinks that contain calories will quickly take up a lot of the 1000 calories you have allotted for the day.