How to Flatten the Stomach & Thighs
Things You'll Need
- Yogurt
- Apple
- Whole wheat tortilla
- Hummus
- Cherry tomatoes
- Berries
- Salmon
- Sesame Oil
- Garlic
Blend together unsweetened yogurt with fruit to create a breakfast smoothie. The breakfast smoothie is low in calories, and the probiotic cultures found in yogurt will help maintain a healthy digestive system, which keeps away gas and bloating.
Eat an apple as a mid-morning snack. It has 5 g of fiber and is almost 85 percent water, so you will feel full longer.
Eat a whole wheat tortilla filled with hummus, spinach and cherry tomatoes for lunch.
Eat a cup of berries for an afternoon snack. They are full of antioxidants, which may help you get better results from your workout.
Broil or bake a piece of salmon topped with 1 tbsp. of sesame oil and a clove of minced garlic. Cook for about eight minutes.
Stand with your knees bent slightly and feet hip-width apart. Keep your stomach tight. Move right leg forward and lunge, then rotate your torso and arms to the right. As you push off your right foot to move back, move your torso and arms back to your center.
Squat down, standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees 90 degrees. Carefully jump up and land in a squat. Use legs and behind to power your jump. Your weight should remain in your heels.
Stand with your knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Your hands should be by your side. Lower your bottom into a squat, keeping your weight on your heels. This time you are going to jump up straight and lift your arms over your head. Land in a squat with hands over your head.
Lie flat on a mat with your arms at your sides. Your palms should be faced-down. Point your left leg toward the ceiling and trace a circle clockwise in the sky. Keep your hips in place; move only your leg. Your hip should not come off the floor. Complete five clockwise circles and then complete five counterclockwise circles. Repeat with right leg.