How to Lose Weight Fast: 10 Lbs in 10 Days
Things You'll Need
- Lean protein
- Egg whites
- Vegetables
- Water
- Food journal
- Sneakers
Calculate the calories you currently burn each day. Even people who do not exercise burn calories each day. Activities like sitting, cleaning the house, showering, preparing dinner and even sleeping burn several hundred calories. While you will need to increase the calories you burn to lose weight, the calories you burn without trying still count toward your daily total.
Determine how much to eat. While you want to reduce the number of calories you take in, you do not want to starve your body. You will be increasing your physical activity, which means more energy will be needed. Decide how much you need to eat each day to feel satisfied, energetic and healthy. Include low-calorie foods like egg whites and vegetables, and substitute lean proteins like turkey and chicken for higher fat foods. Depending on your height and gender, you should be consuming between 1,200 and 1,600 calories per day. Reducing this number to lose weight will not be detrimental to your health if it is just for 10 days, but if your body feels like it is starving, it will try to conserve calories, making it more difficult to lose weight.
Calculate how much exercise you will need. Once you know the number of calories you will be eating and the number of calories your body burns without exercise, you can determine how many more calories still need to be burned to reach 3,500. Add the calories you will be eating to 3,500 and then subtract the calories you burn during regular activity. For instance, if you burn 1,400 calories each day working, doing chores, caring for your hygiene and sleeping, and you consume 1,000 food calories per day, you will need to burn 3,100 calories through additional movement and exercise.
Exercise for the length of time it takes to burn those calories. For quick weight loss in a short period of time, focus on cardiovascular activity. Over time, you can tone your body with strength training, but right now your goal is to burn calories quickly. There are several schools of thought on building muscle and increasing the efficiency of your metabolism, but for now, focus on a simple calories in/calories burned formula. Walking, jogging, participating in aerobics or using a stair-climbing machine are some of your best options for a challenging cardiovascular workout.
Drink plenty of water. Water keeps you hydrated, which helps you feel better when exercising. Water has no calories, but it will make you feel full, reducing the amount of food you will want to eat throughout the day. Drinking water also flushes toxins from your body, keeps you from retaining water weight and enables your digestive system to work more efficiently. Eight to 10 glasses of water per day is a reasonable goal for which to strive, or you can aim to drink one glass per hour throughout the day.