How to Lose Weight by Eating Frozen Dinners
Choose The Right Dinner
Check the calories per serving. Be sure to check the label on the frozen food you are eating. Make sure you know how many servings are in one box. Then check how many calories are in each serving. Limit your calories per serving to under 400 calories. This will help to control your calories for the day. According to the Mayo Clinic, to reach your weight loss goals you should omit 500 calories a day from your diet in order to lose a pound a week.
Choose a dinner that is balanced. Aim for a dinner that offers a variety of foods. Rather than just choosing a meal that is all pasta, choose a meal that contains pasta, chicken and a vegetable. Balanced meals will help you lose weight because they contain a variety of foods. Lean meats like chicken or turkey increase your protein and will help to keep you full longer.
Look for low sodium meals. Many frozen dinners contain a high amount of sodium because of the way they are prepared. Sodium can lead too bloating and preventing weight loss. The McKinley Health Center recommends choosing frozen meals that contain less than 500 mgs of sodium and limiting your total sodium intake for the day to less than 2,300 mgs.
Choose a meal that contains healthy fats. Do not choose a dinner that contains trans fats or saturated fats. Choose a dinner than contains healthy fats like mono and poly unsaturated fats. These fats will help you reach your weight loss goals and ensure that your meal is more nutrient dense.