How to Lose Weight And Tighten Skin
Drink 1/2 oz. of water per pound of body weight to keep yourself hydrated. According to The Diet Channel website, water also flushes out toxins, promotes fat metabolism and keeps skin plump and radiant.
Exfoliate your skin in the shower to remove dead, dried skin cells and to promote blood circulation. Apply a skin-tightening or skin-firming lotion afterward because the skin will absorb it better. Look for body lotions that stimulate collagen and elastin production.
Lose a maximum of one to two pounds per week. According to the Medline Plus website, this is a healthy rate and can be accomplished by cutting out 500 to 1,000 calories daily. Anything more can result in the body retaining fat and the increase of flabby skin.
Work up a sweat by exercising. Go running, swimming, walking or biking. Perform cardiovascular exercise three days per week to sweat out toxins and increase fat burn.
Reduce your body fat by building muscle tissue through weightlifting. Weightlifting will tone and tighten your skin, and it will increase your metabolism all day long so you lose weight.
Eat a healthful diet that includes lean protein, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. Avoid fatty foods, processed foods, alcohol and sugar. Keep your metabolism burning calories and fat by eating a small, healthy meal every two to three hours daily.
Take supplements that help support skin fibers and collagen production. The Bodybuilding website recommends vitamin A, E, C and zinc supplements.