How to Lose Tummy Weight Fast
Watch what you eat. To lose weight quickly, diet must be controlled. Count the calories you consume and stay within the range recommended for your height and weight, never eating less than 1200 calories a day. Avoid processed and fatty foods.
Do cardio exercise for at least a half hour, three times a week. Cardio is the the exercise that gets your heart pumping and burns fat the fastest. It also does a great job at keeping your heart, lungs and total body healthy.
Do strength training exercises three times a week that focus on the core stomach muscles. Sit ups, crunches, Yoga and Pilates all focus on abdominal muscles. It's important to do these exercises because not only do you burn fat as you do them, but the lean muscles you build continue to burn fat even after you're done working out.
Drink eight cups of water a day. When trying to lose tummy weight, hydration is a necessity. Without enough water in your system, your fat burning metabolism will slow down and you won't lose weight as quickly.
Get a good night's sleep. A well rested body functions much better than one that has gotten less than six hours of sleep. The body needs sleep to heal and rejuvenate itself, and this becomes even more important when trying to rid your stomach of excess fat. Not only will you lose weight faster if you rest up, but you'll feel better all together.
Stick to a routine. Mark exercise days on a calender and work out on those days. Keep track of calories in a journal and try to stay within your healthy caloric intake range. Forming a habit of diet and exercise is the best way to succeed.