How to Calculate Weight Loss to Lose 1 Lb. Per Week
Calculate the number of calories you burn under normal conditions per day. The easiest way to do this is to enter your information in one of the many online calculators. This calculation requires age, weight, height and the amount of physical exercise.
Subtract 500 from this result to calculate your daily total of calories necessary to lose one pound in a week.
Keep track of your calorie intake, and the amount of calories you burn through exercise. Your deficit can occur through eating less or exercise. For instance, if you reduced snack food consumption enough to reduce 300 calories from your diet, you could obtain the remaining deficit by exercising enough to burn 200 more calories to reach 500 for the day.
Continue your calorie deficit regimen until you lose the amount of weight you desire. It is always best to achieve this continued calorie deficit through a combination of junk calorie reduction, such as those from sugary sodas and snack foods, and aerobic exercise.