How to Walk for Exercise & Weight Loss
Speed walk to boost your metabolism and burn fat. Take three 10 to 20 brisk walks a week. "Prevention Magazine" says that picking up the pace helps you burn fat after you finish walking. You can take short, brisk walks outdoors, in a workplace stairwell, indoors at the mall or even in your home, depending on space.
Take long walks to slim down. Take 20- to 60-minute walks on the days you don't take brisk walks. Taking longer walks can help you slim down enough to see results on the scale. Taking longer walks also increases your cardiovascular fitness, which enables you to be more active over time.
Incorporate different walking styles into your daily routine. Take short and long walks throughout the day that add up to 60 minutes worth of walking every day of the week. You can plan workout-style walks or choose walking to run errands instead of driving. Park at the far end of the parking lot when shopping, personal safety permitting. Take walks on your coffee and lunch breaks during the work day, walk the dog or even pace up and down in your house during long telephone conversations.