How to Lose Weight Without Raising Your Metabolism
Avoid the regular consumption of foods that are known to increase the metabolism. Certain foods spike the metabolism into high gear, so when your desire is to maintain your current metabolic rate while losing weight, avoid foods such as spicy and hot foods, soups, whole grains such as oatmeal and fresh fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and leafy greens.
Reduce the amount of calories you eat by 500 per day. Cutting calories by eating less will result in an approximate one pound weight loss per week without significantly altering your metabolic rate.
Focus on eating less, not exercising more. Since regular exercise increases your metabolism, focus on cutting calories by eating less throughout the day rather than increasing the amount of time you spend exercising.
Eat three main meals per day. Eating five to six small meals throughout the day increases your metabolic rate, so stick to eating three balanced meals each day in order to maintain your current metabolic rate.
Experiment with diets. There are many fad diets on the market that will allow you to lose weight short term. These diets do not necessarily increase your metabolism, nor does the weight loss usually last, yet they may be beneficial in accomplishing a short term goal or need to lose weight quickly.
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