How to Lose 10 Pounds for Free
A person of average build should aim to lose about two pounds per week. At that rate, you can lose 10 pounds in one month to six weeks.
To lose weight, you need to be conscious of the foods you eat and you should incorporate physical activity into your everyday routine.
Things You'll Need
- Journal
- Tennis shoes
Vegetables are great for dieting and can be cooked in many different ways. Make a list of healthy foods you enjoy eating. During your next trip to the grocery store, stock up on these foods. If you have questions about an item, read the label carefully to be sure it isn't excessive in calories or fat.
Plan ahead to avoid overindulging. Create meal plans. Meal plans can be devised on a daily or weekly basis. Write down what you plan to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and plan healthy, low-calorie snacks. To lose about two pounds per week, most people should consume 1,200 calories per day, and no more than 25 grams of fat.
Keep a journal to track your daily food intake. Keep track of the food you consume. Many people find it helpful to purchase a small notebook and log their meals each day, as well as the amount of calories and fat grams. This step keeps you accountable for what you eat and helps to stop you from making choices you may regret later.
Be sure to get plenty of exercise. Increase your fitness regimen. If you don't have a normal exercise routine, start by taking long walks and doing a few at-home activities each day. Make small changes, like taking the stairs at work and parking far away from entrances.
If you are already physically active, increase the time you spend working out each day and diversify your workout. Changing up your fitness routine helps prohibit hitting a plateau.