How to Lose Weight in 6 Days Without Medication
Cut out all processed and junk food. This includes anything fried, and hamburgers, pastries and donuts. Their fat and calorie content is way to high to eat and lose any weight. They also have hidden dangers in the long term and can cause heart attacks and diabetes. This is something you should consider regulating long term rather than for just six days. It will dramatically increase your health.
Consume no more than 1,500 calories a day if you are female and no more than 2,000 calories a day if you are male. Experts suggest that, by cutting out 500 calories from your daily intake, weight loss will be considerably easier.
Exercise every day, if possible, doing as high intensity exercises as possible. The only way individuals lose weight fast is by burning off more calories than they consume. Experts recommend exercises such as running, power walking and swimming. All burn off a high number of calories that will help you lose weight quickly within the six days you want.
Drink as much water as possible. The body is made up of around 75 percent of water and needs constant replenishment in order to carry out the weight loss process. Drink a minimum of 8 pints of water a day. This will also help improve the quality of your skin and make you feel healthier.
Cut out all alcohol and fizzy drinks. Alcohol, and fizzy drinks can contain up to 300 calories a pint or can. These are often called 'empty' calories because you do not need them. Drink water instead to save these calories and lose more weight.
Eat four to six small meals per day to increase your metabolism. Experts suggest that by doing this, you lose more weight because the body does not think the body is starving, which is the case with some diets. You will also feel full and crave the foods you are trying to cut out less.