How to Lose Fifty Pounds
Get out and be active. Increase activity while decreasing caloric intake. Your body will need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound of fat. Combining exercise with a new diet plan will help you reach your weight loss goals faster than dieting alone.
Exercise your way to a healthier you. Make time to exercise daily. You may feel as if you don't have the time to work out everyday, just consider it your personal time to do something good for yourself. If you don't like working out in gyms try going for a rigorous hike, swimming, or playing a sport outdoors to get in enough exercise.
Start your day with a good breakfast. Eat a healthy, well-balanced breakfast. Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day with good reason. Eating breakfast every morning will help to increase your metabolism and stave off hunger until lunch.
Cheaters never win. Do not cheat. While it's permissible to treat yourself every now and then, you should not get into the habit of veering from your diet too often.
Find a workout buddy. Involve a friend. The additional support of a friend to work out with will prove to be invaluable and help motivate you to get out and exercise.