How to Lose 16 Pounds in Three Weeks
Eliminate all fast food, snack foods, soda and sugar from your diet. To lose five pounds per week you'll have to cut 2,500 calories per day. This is only possible if you have been overeating significantly and consuming many of these high-calorie foods.
Center your meals and snacks around vegetables and lean protein. Choose salads, cut up vegetables with a low-fat dip or even frozen vegetables that you can steam and use as a side dish. Get protein from egg whites, beans, chicken breasts, fish and lean beef.
Drink plenty of water. If you have been drinking coffee or tea with cream and sugar, plus soda, this alone will cut hundreds of calories from your diet. Drinking water will also keep you hydrated and can help fill you up. Add a spritz of lemon, or even add a cucumber slice or a strawberry to vary the flavor.
Work out every day. Try walking, swimming or cycling, and vary the workout length for the best results.The more intense the workout, the more calories you will burn. Weight lift three times per week to build muscle. This will help your body burn more calories even when you're at rest.