How to Lose Weight Without Losing Muscular Mass
Things You'll Need
- Protein shakes (optional)
- Protein bars (optional)
- Omega 3 supplements (optional)
Increase your protein consumption. When restricting calories, it is integral to eat enough protein so that your muscles are fueled properly. This is how to keep them big while losing weight. Excellent sources of protein include chicken, lean beef and eggs. Make it a goal to eat one gram of protein for each pound of body weight.
Eat six small meals per day. Three of the meals should include protein shakes or bars if you struggle to consume enough protein.
Perform moderate amounts of aerobic exercise per week. Do 30 minutes to 40 minutes of cardio, such as walking or jogging, after each weight lifting session. Three to five days per week is ideal.
Increase Omega 3 essential fatty acid intake in foods such as fish, fish oils and flax seed. Omega 3 fatty acids help you retain muscular mass as they help improve the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to muscles. If you have trouble getting Omega 3 via food, take supplements in pill form.