How to Burn Belly Fat in 2 Weeks
Reduce your caloric intake. For every 3,500 extra calories you burn, you lose one pound of body weight. This means by reducing your calories by 500 per day for two weeks, you will lose about three pounds. Estimate how many calories you are currently consuming, and then subtract 500. Easy reductions are switching to diet soda, skipping high-calorie juices, removing high-calorie coffee drinks from your diet, limiting alcohol and reducing snack food such as chips, pretzels and candy.
Increase your metabolism. If your body thinks it is starving, it wants to hold onto fat. Therefore it will not shed the belly fat you want it to. Now that you have reduced your calories in Step 1, divide that number by six. For instance, if you are aiming to eat 1,800 calories per day, you want to strive to eat six small meals in the neighborhood of 300 calories each. (You might adjust a 150-calorie snack in the morning for a 450-calorie lunch later on.) However, the trick is to spread those calories throughout the day so that you are always eating.
Eat the right foods, such as fruits and vegetables which are high in fiber and low in fat.
Add a cardio regimen to your routine. As your heart rate increases, your body begins to burn fat as it moves into aerobic exercise. Examples of aerobic exercise include jogging, cycling, swimming, the treadmill, kick boxing, or any other activity which raises your heart rate for an extended time (20 minutes or longer.) If you are a novice to cardio, strive for a cardio session equaling 30 minutes every other day for two weeks. Intermediates can strive for 45 minutes 10 times over that span. Active individuals in good shape can perform one hour of cardio a day for two weeks.
Combine cardio training with resistance training. Since the focus is busting belly fat, incorporate a lot of sit-ups. There are many variations of sit-ups (see Resources). The standard sit-up with your hands behind your head will work the upper, middle and lower abs. Side bends with small weights will work the obliques. More advanced people can try "V-Ups" where you lie on the floor and make your body into a "V" shape by bringing your arms and toes together over your waist. Advanced people can also perform sit-ups which are on a downward angle where their head is resting below their feet on a board.
Stay hydrated. Drink between six to eight glasses of water a day to maintain proper cellular function. Drink more water if you are exercising heavily during this stretch. Drinking plenty of water will help flush toxins out of your body.
Keep focused. Busting belly fat in two weeks can seem like a daunting task. However, by living moment by moment and making positive choices meal by meal, you will achieve your goal.