How to Reduce Weight in 2 Weeks
Consume fewer calories. To lose one pound a week, you need to eat 500 fewer calories a day. For example, if you normally consume 2,000 calories a day, you should start eating 1,500 calories a day. Fill your diet with fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. Protein will keep you fuller longer and fruit is great to snack on before a meal. Replace that can of soda you have for dinner with water. Drinking water can help control your appetite.
Incorporate an hour of exercise in your daily routine. When you work out, your body uses more energy. Some different activities you can do are dancing, aerobics, hiking and rope jumping. According to the Mayo Clinic, a person weighing 160 pounds can burn 438 calories with an hour of hiking.
Do not eat while you are driving, working or watching television. These activities can distract you and it may be difficult to pay attention the amount of food you are actually consuming.