How to Search for Manual Treadmills
Things You'll Need
- Local Yellow Pages
- Local newspaper
Conduct a general online search. Type "manual treadmills" into a search engine such as Google. Click on options that take you to websites where you can purchase manual treadmills online.
Conduct a more specific online search. Go directly to a store's online website by typing, for example, "Sears" or "Amazon" into a search engine. Click on the option that takes you to the store's homepage. Search for manual treadmills within the store's website.
Search the website Click on your state, then your city. Under the "for sale" heading, click on "sporting." In the "search for:" text box, type "manual treadmill" then click on "Search." Any postings containing the term "manual treadmill" will appear.
Search an auction website such as for people who are selling manual treadmills. Bid on or directly buy the manual treadmill you are interested in.
Look up "exercise equipment" in the Yellow Pages section of your local phone book. Call the businesses listed under this heading. Ask if they sell manual treadmills. Get all the information you need, such as differences between models, prices, store hours and directions to the stores' locations.
Go directly to a local sporting goods store, exercise equipment store or department store such as Dick's Sporting Goods or Target. Ask a sales associate to show you where the manual treadmills are located and to give you the information you need to select the one that is best for you.
Go to second-hand stores such as Goodwill or The Salvation Army to look for manual treadmills. Search through the sections containing exercise equipment or ask a sales associate for help.
Go to local rummage sales and estate sales to search for used manual treadmills. Search your local newspaper's classified section for announcements regarding these sales. Type "local estate sales" and "local rummage sales" into a search engine to find online information about these sales.
Search the classified ads in your local newspaper to determine if there are people in your area who are selling their manual treadmills. Look in the "For Sale" section.