How to Lose a Lot of Weight in Twenty Days
Eat less at every meal. Use a smaller plate so you aren't tempted to fill up a large plate with food. At each meal, eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes to register that you are full, so if you eat quickly and have seconds, you'll be overly full before you realize it.
Eliminate junk food and sweetened drinks from your diet. This is the quickest way to cut a lot of calories by making a few simple changes. One can of cola or one small handful of potato chips can each have about 150 calories. One small cafe mocha from Starbucks has 180 calories. These are all fine to eat or drink occasionally -- less than once per week -- but indulging more than that will take a toll on your waistline.
Fill up on vegetables. Vegetables have very few calories and are full of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Choose salads, add tomato, cucumber and lettuce to every sandwich, and load your plate up with veggies at dinner time. If you cook them, use very little butter or oil, and add flavor with a splash of lemon juice and pepper.
Cut down on refined carbohydrates. White bread, pasta and rice contribute to weight gain by raising your blood sugar quickly, then it falls quickly. This means you will be hungry sooner and craving more food. Choose small portions of whole grain carbs, and include lean protein with each serving, such as chicken or fish, to reduce the effect on your blood sugar.
Work out every day. Vary your routine to challenge your muscles and increase the chance that you'll stay interested in your workouts and keep doing them. Yoga, weight training, swimming, skating -- any of these will help you achieve your weight loss goals. Try intense exercise, such as running or cycling, to really boost your calorie-burning efforts.