How to Remove Unwanted Belly Fat
Ban junk food, sugar, processed foods, fatty meats and white carbohydrates from your life. Stock up on healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats, whole-grain and fiber-rich products. Choose heart-healthy unsaturated fats that don't trigger your cholesterol levels in a negative way. Consume low-fat or non-fat products instead of full-fat products. Keep your metabolism running by frequently consuming a small meal, up to six times daily.
Watch your sodium intake because excess sodium will make the body retain water and cause bloating. The American Heart Association suggests that you consume less than 1,500 milligrams of sodium daily.
Engage in cardiovascular exercise to increase your metabolic rate and burn fat from the entire body. Work up your endurance gradually to complete 45 minutes per day, three days of the week. Choose from running, bike riding, swimming or walking to increase your heart rate. Include short bursts of high intensity cardio if you want to accelerate fat burn and add variety to your workout.
Tone the muscles of the body by incorporating a whole-body strength training routine. Build muscle tissue because it increases your resting metabolic rate resulting in extended fat burn.
Focus on the stomach muscles by doing a variety of abdominal exercises three days of the week, on non-consecutive days. Choose from crunches, reverse crunches, leg lifts, the plank, side bends or elbow-to-knee crunches. Use a stability ball or ab roller if desired. Abdominal exercises don't burn fat, but tone the underlying muscles so that when the fat is gone, the toned muscles will show.
Get at least seven hours of sleep at night and reduce stress in your life. Lack of sleep makes you more irritable and fatigued and less stress resistant. According to the Marylin Glenville website, cortisol is released when you experience increased stress levels. Cortisol increases your appetite and is linked to gaining fat, mainly around your waist line.